Want to interact with the consumer on an individual level? Inform them regarding your new product, service or issue. Use animated video to increase customer engagement and make them remember the content of the video.
Want to interact with the consumer on an individual level? Inform them regarding your new product, service or issue. Use animated video to increase customer engagement and make them remember the content of the video.
Audiovisual content is hot and video is one of the hottest formats around. Even a badly shot 10 second skit can get more views on social media than a prestigious drama series on tv. 80% of all internet traffic consists of videos, animations and interactive movies and that’s no surprise. There’s nothing people like to watch more than other human beings. Video is about much more than just entertainment. It’s become to go-to format for information and explanations. Why? Seeing is believing!
Of course, in today’s information overload, your video must stand out. If you really want to grab your viewers’ attention, you have to deliver on their wants and needs. You have to offer something tangible, credible and useful. Video a great format for giving that “what’s in it for me” a human face. And that’s getting your story across in a refreshing way. What you see is what you get.
Choosing video is choosing for clarity, simplicity and originality. Video is a great format to deliver your story in a fresh, engaging and human way. Video is people-driven and the thing people like to watch most of all is other people. Of course, video can capture many other aspects of your business as well.
It doesn’t matter if your content is complex, ridiculously straightforward or overly familiar. A video can bring it to life and make it engaging again. Corporate or trendy, stylish or trashy, scientific or popular – we’ll make sure your video looks fantastic and gets your message across!
A video, any video has one objective: to help you achieve your business objectives. A video should make things happen! An animation should have a return.
Video or animation, our process is always the same: What are your (business) objectives? Who is your target audience? How do they think and feel about your offer? What do you want them to do?
Depending on your answers, we’ll design a video that matches your objectives exactly.
And that’s only the content part… film is highly technical medium. Do you film in 4K or 8K? Use drones or a smartphone? Do we use a presenter, interviews or a voice over? Which music do we choose? It all depends. The only important thing is to base your filming approach on your story and not the other way around.
We won’t confuse you with the technicalities – we can use them all. We have the expertise to align your animation with your business goals, and to tell your story in a way that’s fresh, engaging and makes it happen. We also know you’re very busy, so a dedicated PM will follow up your project from start to finish and guide you through the process. Within your deadline and budget. Let’s pull out the stops and make it happen.
Don’t believe us, believe them
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